However, the growing demand for information on the arrangement and spatio-temporal dynamics of this increasingly important model of intensive agriculture is likely to drive this line of research in the coming years. SUMMARY–Water scarcity is a prominent issue about water sustainability in many countries, in particular in the Mediterranean Region. *Re, Dear Colleagues, The results revealed the growing interest in this research field, particularly over the last five year-period during which 63% of all articles were published. A bibliometric analysis of 4284 articles was conducted. It can be stated that bioimpendance and dielectric spectroscopy are being increasingly applied and that they have the capacity to deepen and enhance research investigation. However, if the average number, of citations per article is considered, The Netherlands ranked first with a total of 26.7 citations. A bibliometric analysis was developed based on the Scopus database. It has been proven that 91.7% of the Chinese articles focus on domestic issues as well as 83.6% of the, Indian ones. Half of these authors, belong to Chinese research centers and, generally, research cohort. However, it should be noted that the fourth position, in terms of the number of publications per journal, is occupied by BMC Genomics journal. This work describes the worldwide applications of dielectric and bioimpedance measurements techniques in various fields. Sustainable agriculture must nurture healthy ecosystems and support the sustainable management of land, water and … SUSTAINABLE WATER USE Use dripper systems rather than overhead irrigation. identification of the different research tr, the countries shared the same keywords, although there are some dif. The three institutions that published the most articles were all Chinese (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Agricultural University and Northwest A&F University). The number of journals (J) increased from 3 to 147. Taking a quadruple helix approach, PIs are outlined as central actors of entrepreneurial ecosystems and transformative agents of the innovation process. The three first publishing countries are United States, China and the United Kingdom. The results indicate that the number of articles published has increased steadily each year, especially in the last five years, accounting for 45% of all the articles. However, the literature also points out that radical innovations are needed in order to fit the prevailing environmental standards. Adopting proven sustainable agricultural practices reduces water use per bushel. 2017, indicating that they continue to work on this topic. the largest network of collaborations, with a total of 55 different collaborating countries, followed, of each country (TC/A) for articles completed with international collaboration (IC) and without, international collaboration (NIC). Moreover, owing to the many complexities surround groundwater issues, greater interdisciplinary collaboration is also called for. The main crops were Zea-Mays and Wheat. Scopus is the world’s largest, abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literatur, sample of documents within a field of study and the quality and originality of the data [, provides a wide variety of data on each of the publications, allowing the comparison of different, analysis and the downloading of useful information for the analysis process in different formats [, Recent bibliometric studies have used the Scopus database [, AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (sustainability OR sustainable); AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (irrigation OR agricultur*, OR farm* OR crop* OR agroecosystem)). The need to provide food to a growing world population and deal with the effects of climate change are serious challenges to which the agricultural ecosystem management have to face. This paper analyses the worldwide research dynamics on forest ecosystem services in the period from 1998 to 2017. The objective of this study was to analyze research trends in the field of sustainable management of metals on a global level between 1993 and 2017. Water is an important resource that is used in our daily lives. We concluded, through the systemic analysis, that the automotive sector is well structured on the issue of sustainability and process innovation. rate of cumulative growth has been calculated. Long-term over-exploitation and unsustainable practices have caused severe groundwater depletion and deterioration across many regions throughout the world. the different demands. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on a total of 6967 articles. The result is in line with the findings of Velasco et al. The three methods achieved state-of-the-art results with a slight prevalence of U-net over Deep ResUnet and SharpMask (0.96, 0.95, and 0.92 Kappa coefficients, respectively). The most productive journal in this field was “Remote Sensing”, with 22 documents published, while China, Italy, Spain, USA, and Turkey were the five countries with the most publications. Temporal and spatial disaggregation is indeed defined as a goal in more advanced monitoring levels, in which it is also called for a differentiation between surface and groundwater resources. Agricultural practices, such as soil management, irrigation and fertilizer application and disease and pest control are related with the sustainable water management in agriculture and protection of the environment. period and Canada, which occupied the tenth position before joining the top ten group. Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways, which means meeting society's present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs. This article analyses the dynamics of worldwide research on this topic over the last two decades. The Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program (SRWUIP) is a national programme investing in rural water use, management and efficiency, including improved water knowledge and market reform, and water purchase for the environment. Target 6.4 of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deals with the reduction of water scarcity. Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture under Climate Change. Singh, A. want to obtain realistic and useful information in decision-making processes. The U.S. and Germany had the same keywords, while Australia included the name of the country among the most used keywords and did not include, China is the only country that included W, sustainable management of water use and its efficiency. increasing concerns about the consequences of climate change. ]. to production (A) and the impact of their articles (TC) in addition to the affiliation, the country (C), the year of publication of their first (1st A) and last article on this topic (Last A). Results indicate that the use of groundwater for the irrigation of horticultural crops in the greenhouses presents a high degree of overexploitation of the aquifers, but due to the continuous search for alternative water resources, such as desalinated and reclaimed water, as well as in-depth knowledge of the integral management of water irrigation through automated fertigation and localized irrigation systems, the current status of the water resources could be sustainable. In addition, indicator 6.4.2 is only one indicator, which monitors blue WS, but does not give information on green or green-blue water scarcity or on water quality. categories; journals; countries; institutions; authors; and keywords. create holistic analysis approaches that include technical, environmental and socio-economic aspects. Spain, whereas the last positions are occupied by China and India. Among the main research institutions belonging to these five most productive countries, there were eight institutions from China, four from Italy, one from Spain, two from Turkey, and one from the USA. The period was divided into five-year sub-periods, which show the evolution of keywords. The use of irrigation ponds has proved to be an efficient alternative for increasing the availability and quality of water resources for irrigation and contributing to the sustainability of agriculture. This is the case for journals such as Sustainability, there are journals with a high number of articles and higher tradition in this topic that also showed, relatively reduced indexes. This work focuses especially on the PIs' role as transformative agents. Zhang, X.; Pei, D.; Hu, C. Conserving groundwater for irrigation in the North China Plain. Moreover, being conscious of the pollution generated by agricultural leachates, the horticultural system of Almería is implementing complementary sustainable systems such as recirculation, cascade cropping systems and phytodepuration for the reuse of the leachate. The findings of this study can be useful to water use researchers by providing an Farmers use water to grow crops. Sustainable water means a nation that can be water self-sufficient: ensuring there is enough water to meet multiple needs, from agriculture to municipal and industrial. Analysis of the keywords used in publications about biotic stress shows the great interest in the biotic–abiotic stress interaction, in the gene expression regulation in plants as well as phytohormones in the current research. Decision support for on-farm water management and long-term agricultural sustainability in a, water in intensive horticultural systems of Almer. The bibliometric method is employed in Engineering, bibliometric studies have been used for analysis, such as sustainable development at national and, ]; sustainability and innovation in the car industry [, The Scopus database was used to develop the bibliometric analysis. The most active categories in those fields are engineering, social sciences and environmental issues in that order. The institution that published the most articles was the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the authors from China also were the most productive. The main lines of research have been focused on metal decontamination in water and soil, waste management oriented towards reuse and recycling, and the innovation of processes for cleaner and more efficient production. In this article, a bibliometric analysis of biotic stress is carried out. China. The concept of, sustainability had repercussions at environmental, socio-cultural and economic levels. It can help people in the medical profession to get comprehensive understanding on the state of the art of MBD. exponential growth in the number of articles published per year, acquired a global scale. Hum. Agriculture needs to be part of watershed management. aspects and the field of study was set at the watershed and exploitation level. The center pivot irrigation system (CPIS) is a modern irrigation technique widely used in precision agriculture due to its high efficiency in water consumption and low labor compared to traditional irrigation methods. In the case of La Charente, a decision has been take to build a new dam in order to increase the water supply (particularly during summer): the institute is seeking an incentive which will induce farmers to continue to use water sparingly, allowing for the physical and social constraints of this catchment area. research in the last 25 years. ; Pfister, S. A revised approach to water footprinting to make transparent the impacts of, consumption and production on global freshwater scarcity. The variety of leading research topics could also. A bibliometric analysis was developed to sample 2084 articles. Downloadable! has grown exponentially within this thematic field. Chang. another huge impulse for the research on climate change. The total area of plastic-covered crops of 3019 million hectares has been increasing steadily around the world, particularly in the form of crops maintained under plastic-covered greenhouses to control their environmental conditions and their growth, thereby increasing production. Practical implications number of articles published on SWUA. The former is closely related to adequate pricing, while the latter depends on the type of irrigation technology, environmental conditions and the scheduling of water application. Determinantes de la eco-innovación y la heterogeneidad en productividad y rendimiento medioambiental (ECO2017-82347-P), Choice of Livelihood Strategies and Its Determinants in Pastoralist Area of Bale Zone: The Case of Sawena District, Oromia, South East Ethiopia, Evolution and current scenario of irrigated area in Brazil: Systematic data analysis, Contribution of Irrigation Ponds to the Sustainability of Agriculture. the U.S., Australia, India and Germany produced the most research. Environmental Science and Agricultural and Biological Sciences are the main categories. A bibliometric analysis was developed to sample 2084 articles. Water use for Specific Crops (chapter 5) This section provides a set of principles and practices for sustainable water management for some specific agriculture production (Coffee, dairy & livestock; and vegetables & fruits). ; Wells, P, makers: Enablers and barriers to use of publications (grey literature) of the Gulf of Maine Council on the, Comparing patent and Scientific literature in airborne wind energy, Liao, H.; Tang, M.; Luo, L.; Li, C.H. ; Bush, K.F. Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Buildings have been verified as the most used keywords. on the watershed level. United States is the country that presented the highest number of patents and scientific papers. The purpose of the present paper is to draw a picture of the integral management of water irrigation in the intensive horticultural systems in the region, by identifying the most significant water resource contributions and alternative water resources. Correlation between H index and number of articles by country. The objective of this article is to analyse the dynamics of the research on the use of water in agriculture in Mexico and its sustainable management. Since more water is available for agriculture, the crisis is therefore not a crisis for agriculture, but rather a crisis for the natural environment which would have to make do with less water. All rights reserved. The values that appear in the table refer to the position that keywords occupied in each sub-period, compared with the total number of keywords of the sample, the number of articles in which, it appeared [R (A)] and the repetition percentage (%). Many authors, stated the need for multidisciplinary approaches to deal with environmental resource sustainability, However, in the case of sustainable water use in agriculture, only 14.5% of the articles published, used the Social Sciences approach; 2.7% were included in the Economics, Econometrics and Finance. citations in its articles on SWUA with a total of 9315 citations. This research makes multiple new contributions, providing both academics and practitioners a better panorama to achieve sustainable development through eco-efficiency by expanding the literature review, highlighting the synergies and barriers between eco-efficiency and sustainable development and by comparing and analysing them, showing its relevant features. Plants are constantly exposed to biotic stress, which causes changes in plant metabolism involving physiological damages that lead to a reduction of their productivity. PIs can proactively shape the innovation process and thus the shift from technological to social innovation, through various channels. IC: international collaborations; NC: total number of international collaborators; TC/A: total citation per article; number of publications on SWUA. International collaboration created higher impact for the articles. Comparative trends in the number of articles of Water and Sustainable Water Use in Agriculture SWUA research. shows the most productive journals for SWUA research. The findings of this study are useful for researchers since they give them an overview of the worldwide research trends on forest ecosystem services. have included sustainability proposals in their objectives, reports and declarations. citation per article; IC: international collaborations; NIC: no international collaborations. Business, Management and Accounting represented 2.6%, Multidisciplinary. ; de la Cruz-Fern, Schoolman, E.D. The different colors group the different clusters formed by sets of. Adeyemi, O.; Grove, I.; Peets, S.; Norton, T. Singh, A. Conjunctive use of water resources for sustainable irrigated agriculture. The second, (Green) represents Germany with Brazil, Iran, Uzbekistan, Sweden and Switzerland. The developed methodology can be subdivided into the following steps: (a) Definition of three study areas with a high concentration of CPIS in Central Brazil; (b) acquisition of Landsat-8 images considering the seasonal variations of the rain and drought periods; (c) definition of CPIS datasets containing Landsat images and ground truth mask of 256×256 pixels; (d) training using three CNN architectures (U-net, Deep ResUnet, and SharpMask); (e) accuracy analysis; and (f) large image reconstruction using six stride values (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256). Due to the steady increase in temperature, the area of Ukraine with a significant deficit of natural moisture supply for the period of 1990-2015 increased by 7%, and with excessive and sufficient natural moisture supply, on the contrary, decreased by 10%. ; Bell, A.R. research based on MODIS images: A critical review with a bibliometric analysis. the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of United Nations includes 17 sustainable development, goals among which there is one specific goal for clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) as well as, other goals focusing on water scarcity to water use efficiency [, research and innovation program, the European, Before the focus on sustainable water use in agriculture, the concept of sustainability was, to hydric resources, sustainability was defined in 1999 as the set of systems designed and managed, with the purpose of satisfying the current and future objectives of society, environmental, ecological and hydrologic integrity [, ]. In the second five-year period (1998–2002), research preferences for keywor, 1993–1997 period, the focus was on developing regions, whereas, in the 1998–2002 period, specific, countries appear among the first positions of the most used terms (India in the 10th position, Australia. The three most prominent journals in this fiel are Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Conservation and Recycling and Ecological Economics. published (measured through the number of citations) in all of the cases except for The Netherlands, countries with the highest number of connections was chosen to make the map. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Agriculture is the largest water user worldwide, accounting for 70 percent of total freshwater withdrawals on average3 – but these amounts can reach as much as 95 percent in some developing countries.4Agriculture is also a major source of water pollution from nutrients, pesticides and other contaminants, which if unmanaged can lead to significant social, economic and environmental costs. Policy Dimens. analysis is used for identifying, organizing and analyzing the main elements of a research topic [, This analysis used mapping techniques to represent the bibliographic information available in the, different database and determine the trends of a r, ]. Therefore, the mapping of center pivot areas is a strategic factor for the estimation of agricultural production, ensuring food security, water resources management, and environmental conservation. By 2050, the … The participation of 6170 authors, 597 journals and 115 countries in the publication of the 2084 articles, included in the sample shows the growth of this field of study, the number of references was 120, while this was 11,773 in 2017, which resulted in the average number, of references per article increasing from 20.1 to 44.1. A quantitative assessment and consequences of an increasing share of bio-energy in energy supply, Du, T.; Kang, S.; Sun, J.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J. The most mentioned methodology among the keywords was Water-Footprint. This research line experiences a growing trend superior to the general publishing trend on forest research. ; Gallego. Many surveys approach the problem of overexploitation of freshwater resources and the threat to food security [8][9][10], ... Water has always been documented for playing crucial roles in various aspects of people's activities, maintains the ecosystem that provides and gives valuable services to both the environment and human beings [6]. Both scientific papers and patents set up networks of collaboration; that is, important authors are interacting with others to establish cooperative partnerships. All figure content in this area was uploaded by José A. Aznar-Sánchez, All content in this area was uploaded by José A. Aznar-Sánchez on Apr 06, 2018, Department of Economics and Business, Research Centre CIAIMBIT, Solar Energy Research Centre (CIESOL), Joint Centre University of Almer, Sustainability of water use in agriculture is a line of research that has gained in importance, worldwide. The CPIS is a leader in mechanized irrigation in Brazil, with growth forecast for the coming years. China ranked first with 432 articles, followed by the U.S. with. As the impacts of climate change and water scarcity become ever more visible, our focus on sustainable agriculture is more important than ever. All the materials included in the analysis have been reported from Scopus. Results show that published articles on water have. OECD indicators and analysis help governments formulate agriculture policies to use water resources more efficiently and reduce water pollution from agricultural systems. Agricultural ecosystems are the main consumer of hydric, ] as they use approximately 80% of hydric resources, with r, derived from economic development and climatology [, for irrigation uses approximately 60% of available hydric resources, while this can reach 90% in, ]. *Desarrollar modelos de análisis de las interrelaciones entre actividad exportadora, eficiencia medioambiental desde la perspectiva microeconómica. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Cossarini, D.M. Institutions based in developed countries have held predominance in publishing groundwater research, however, research output from developing countries, such as China and India, experienced much growth in recent years. Furthermore, the availability of freshwater in the irrigation sector is expected to decrease due to increasing competition with other multiple uses of water. Australia faces major challenges in ensuring sustainable water supply in the face of a drying climate and growing demand for water. A Scientometric approach using the scopus database. Thus, it displays the need for empirical studies in automotive companies on the environmental practices employed and how these practices impact innovation. This study aims to explore the current status of medical big data through visualization analysis on the journal papers related to MBD.We analyze a total of 988 references which were downloaded from the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Science Citation Index databases fromWeb of Science and the time span was defined as "all years". As a result, this area of research has increased in importance, becoming one of the most prolific lines of study. In addition to the terms already mentioned and related with sustainability and agronomy. Several software packages have been developed as tools to help conduct bibliometric analyses, such as Bibexcel, Citespace, OmniViz, and VOSviewer (Liang et al., 2017; Aspectos institucionales relativos a la minería, como marco legal, regulaciones, derechos de propiedad (estatal, comunal, privada), así como pensamiento económico sobre minería, etc. To fight biotic stress, plants have developed sophisticated defense mechanisms. of citations per article, the USDA Agricultural Research Service ranked first with 27.8 citations. The damage caused to plants by other living organisms such as parasites and pathogens (virus, bacteria, fungi, nematodes or insects) brings about what is known as biotic stress. The paper identifies and structures the state-of-the-art between Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Development with a view to: (i) selecting a Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) that is aligned with the perception of the researchers on the theme; (ii) performing a bibliometric analysis of the selected BP; (iii) performing a thematic synthesis; (iv) finding the integration of eco-efficiency and sustainable development with other approaches; (v) proposing an innovative framework to achieve sustainable development through eco-efficiency indicators; and (vi) finding paths for further research. The National Water Plan 2019–2024 identifies the ine cient use of water as one of the problems related to water resources, particularly in the agricultural sector, which generates water losses of more than 40% [19]. It was also possible to identify that researches on wind energy with tethered airfoils began their studies in the late 1970s with the first patent apparently dated from 1975 by the inventors Dai and Dai. On the other hand, the increase in irrigated area can cause reduction in water reserves and, therefore, the sustainable use of water has increasingly become a global concern (Velasco-. For example, the journal Sustainability joined the SWUA publications most recently. Catchments, Rain, Aquifers and Rivers). The purpose of this conference is to move IWA, in collaboration with other stakeholders, further down the path of implementing sustainable use of water in three specific venues—industry, agriculture, and cities. by exerting influence on the process of scientific change, on the public opinion and/or on the industry partners. China, articles in collaboration with the group built by Australia and the United States have been, researchers focus on the efficient use of water, countries), the main topic is groundwater, study territory has been found. This is the case for journals, such as Wit T, Environment, Shengtai Xuebao and Irrigation and Drainage. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Abstract and Figures Sustainability of water use in agriculture is a line of research that has gained in importance worldwide. the leading researching countries—China and the United States—have been reviewed. The number of authors (AU) increased from 4 in 1993 to 1110 in 2017. Agriculture is the basis for food production on a global scale. It also has reference values for the research and application of the MBD visualization methods. Deep learning using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is an emerging approach that provokes a revolution in image segmentation, surpassing traditional methods, and achieving higher accuracy and efficiency. Such a journal considers mainly articles on genomics, which indicates the involvement of genetic factors in the control of biotic stress. Modern climate change has significantly affected the cropping systems and their productivity at regional level. Therefore, this paper provides the past, the present and the potential future of this specific topic and serves as an orientation and guide for researchers who are new to the topic of GI; it also enhances their knowledge concerning which journals, authors and articles they may consult while creating their theoretical framework or designing future research models. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, C: country; A: the annual number of total articles; TC: the annual number of citations in total articles; TC/A: total. This website gathers the OECD's policy guidance on water to help the global community meet the increasing demand for innovative and effective approaches to water management., Agriculture is a major user of water. in small and medium-sized enterprises: An analysis and systematic review. W. linked to the sustainable management of water for irrigation. Sustainable water management in agriculture, which has a multi-functional role in Southern Europe, can be achieved by adopting improvements in irrigation application, soil and plant practices, water pricing, reuse of treated wastewater, farmers’ participation in water management and capacity building. The analysis of keywords showed that the use of the term Climate Change has seen the most, growth in the last few years. The article highlights the research results on the assessment of natural moisture supply in Ukraine, the state of water resources and agricultural production in the face of modern climate change taking into account the forecast for the medium and long term prospects. has brought about some research trends on SWUA, the most r, food and water supply for the growing world population; soil management sustainability based on, hydrographic basins; climate change impacts on crops and their sustainability; and planning measures, and decision-making processes related to the effects of climate change on the ef. In Brazil, the potentially irrigable area is estimated at 61.4 Mha, of which 18.4 Mha is in regions with high suitability of soil and relief (Sparovek et al., 2015). article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution. Precision agriculture optimises farming inputs with savings of 30% in water using drip irrigation. India, Germany, and the authors from China also were the most productive authors attached! Lower costs and agility color represents the cluster in which the keyword evolution is,! Present, the availability of freshwater, acquired a global scale of stress! Is need for improvement of works with international collaboration at 68.75 % of main. Signified the current configuration of the articles a conceptual paper and therefore focuses on theoretical considerations Accounting represented 2.6,! ; 2.6 %, the USDA agricultural research service ranked first with 432 articles, followed by the already! Audit, which are China, the … the auditors will assess whether EU policies promote sustainable water efficiency! Becoming one of the articles studied, 23.5 % were published were high quality agricultural Science,... 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