Poisonous House Plants - Cats and Dogs. I use the ASPCA website (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) as my main source for determining whether a plant is safe for dogs and cats. Aglaonema- Chinese Evergreen - whole plant 5. Besides that, philodendron has also more effects on the pets such as dogs and cats. Voted up and across, shared here and on FB and pinned! Someone with a cat in the family should never bring lilies into the home, even if the cat has shown no tendency to eat houseplants. LOL Our cat tries to eat anything we try to grow indoors. Some are common veggies that you may be growing to feed your family. Poisonous plants are actually harmful for us and our pets, although it's possible that they may have some hidden health benefits, too. If you want to know more, reference this guide to houseplants for detailed information on indoor plants (including the ones listed above). Our packaging includes information on plants and flowers that may be potentially unsafe if ingested. Read more: How To Fet Rid Of Termites Naturally. Like other spurges, it is also considered poisonous. However, while the inner aloe vera gel is the wonderful stuff, the outer skin of this plant is slightly toxic. The bulbs contain a toxin called tuliposide A that can cause dermatitis in humans, but apparently only in people who are sensitive to the toxin. Caladiums can be grown in a container indoors or outdoors and also grow well in a garden. It may lead to difficulty in breathing, coma, abdominal pain, as well as paralysis and even death. Perhaps you could gather safety information about the specific plants in the church and give it to the people involved or post it on a bulletin board. Twelve children developed stomach cramps and vomiting after eating the soup and were taken to hospital. The toxic element in this houseplant is diterpene esters, which are present in the milky sap found in the veins of the plant. NASA researchers have discovered that the snake plant and some other plants can remove volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) from the air. However, people with small children and pets should still stay clear. The liquid from a damaged ivy plant can severely irritate the skin and cause dermatitis. Your Momma sounds like a wise woman! Again, although they aren't particularly poisonous for adults (a large amount of the plant needs to be eaten before symptoms appear), they can be very toxic for young children and pets. They are considered mildly poisonous to children and pets. And I must admit I was not aware of this, although these are such common Indoor plants. Please refer to our, VKool - Health, Fitness, Beauty, News, Lifestyle Magazine. What an extensive list, with many surprises, such as the tulips and ivy. I don't have any indoors, but I have oodles of them in my landscape. Cat Safe Houseplants Parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) Popularized as a household plant in the Victorian era, the Parlor palm is a cat-safe houseplant that grows well under indoor lighting and even reacts to artificial lights.They do enjoy humidity, so don’t let them dry out. Thank you very much for the visit and the angels.. A popular house plant, Swedish ivy is prone and grows outwards as a mat or cascades from high spots. After eating this plant, pets or humans may suffer from high blood pressure, stomach problems as well as irregular heartbeat. The safety of a houseplant should be investigated before it's bought. Viritenz Review (UPDATED 2020) – New Penis Enlargement Supplement. But with ProFlowers, you won’t go without knowing if a plant is poisonous or not. There is a potential effect on how, what, and where products may appear. If they are not treated, they will die. This list contains popular house, container and patio plants that are poisonous and the parts of the plants that contain the toxins. Interesting and useful so thank you for sharing Alicia. She loves to study nature and write about living things. If you're looking for a flower that is more prominent, the moth orchid (Phalaenopsis) should suit you well. This plant has the added benefit of being very low-maintenance; it can tolerate low lighting, humidity, and minimal watering. Lily is a beautiful plant. Eating large amounts of tulip bulbs may cause mouth and throat irritation, excess drooling, nausea, and diarrhea. I love Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) for the same reason. Awesome, up and sharing for safety reasons. They should also be given milk to drink, and a poison control center should be contacted. Call the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-764-7661 or Animal Poison Control at 1-888-426-4435. Fatalities have occurred from dieffenbachia poisoning, but they are very rare. The African violet (Saintpaulia) is safe for children and pets and has beautiful, velvety flowers. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 15, 2014: Thank you very much, Kathi! The Caladium is such a common plant to use in arrangements, will have to watch for this toxic effect around pets and children. Pothos and some types of philodendrons are often confused with one other. It's an evergreen vine that trails over the edge of its container. All parts of a dieffenbachia contain raphides, which are needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate. Thanks for writing and sharing with us. Arrowhead plant which is also known as Syngorium podothyllum is mentioned in the list of poisonous house plants as well. However, they are more toxic to animals than to the humans. Thus, this plant is mentioned as one of the poisonous house plants for humans and animals. It is a good reference for your houseplants, including tips on draining, disease prevention, fixing common issues … Thank you very much for the votes and the share, Faith. Sharing and all. Oleander poisoning is a medical emergency. It will be interesting to see what future research reveals! . Thank you very much for the comment and the vote, torrilynn! Various indoor plants are more toxic than others. My cats are indoor and outdoor cats and I will be careful to watch this! Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on November 18, 2013: Thank you very much for the visit and the comment, vespawoolf. victorgrigas/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0. Besides that, the aloe vera juice is a wonderful digestive aid. In general, a lot of people receive this plant as a present. drbj and sherry from south Florida on November 08, 2013: We have most of these plants in the area of south Florida where I reside, Alicia, so I do appreciate learning about their potential poisonous effects. The large and beautiful white "petal" of the calla lily is actually a spathe, a bract (modified leaf) that surrounds the flower cluster of the plant. Can you send out a public warning to stop this practice. I appreciate them both! The health effects of a plant toxin depend on many factors, including: I love my pets and also enjoy having houseplants in my home. I think that too many of us have got into the mindset that if it's natural then it must be safe, but plants have developed ways to protect themselves just as other species have. Ingestion can cause fever-like symptoms, hallucinations, and convulsions. We grow them outside though but even then, it is good to educate the kids just to admire them. I found a glass shelf for my violet for the bathroom because there is a sunny window in there. You hubs are indeed exceptional stellar. So do you know exactly what the poisonous house plants are? After handling ivy, a person may find that their skin is itching, red, and blistered. Researchers believe that a dieffenbachia contains other toxins in addition to calcium oxalate. Researchers are currently saying that they are only mildly poisonous, even though they were thought to be very dangerous until quite recently. Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on November 05, 2013: What a well-done and comprehensive article. These chemicals can cause gastrointestinal discomfort as well as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in humans and pets, although the symptoms are much milder for humans. There's a wider choice of house plants available then. We’ll share with you a list of plants that are poisonous to dogs. Miami Ink Tattoo Designs Review – Does This Program Work? It's possible that a species generally considered to be safe may not be so for everyone, especially for those who are sensitive to a particular chemical in the plant. Imoviesclub Review – Does This Program Work? An instance of this mistaken identity occurred in an English elementary school in 2009. According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), if someone has chewed or eaten part of a dieffenbachia plant, their mouth should be washed with a cold, wet cloth. The snake plant's relative in the genus Sansevieria, the viper's bowstring hemp, is also considered to be toxic to humans and pets. They can help in purifying the air, giving your house visual interest, and even they are medicinal or edible. In addition, propagating from cuttings is very easy. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on October 09, 2017: I think that daffodils are beautiful flowers. Daffodil bulbs contain calcium oxalate crystals and a toxic alkaloid called lycorine. Thank you, Audrey. Mokkie/Wikimedia Commons, CC 3.0 (modified). The leaves of the peace lily are long, narrow, and have a pointed tip. The story of your pool surrounded by oleanders, young children and pets is frightening, as is your story about foxgloves! It may be a universal symbol of joy and good cheer, but this holiday favorite is actually on the list of poisonous plants. Learn more: Indoor Plants That Clean The Air While it is often the perfect complement to any room, it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans and animals. It is surprising that many popular house plants are poisonous for people or pets. Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on November 15, 2013: This was a perfect time for this article, right around the holidays, when plants and flowers tend to be given to friends and loved ones. Houseplants: Safe and Toxic Varieties. Raphides cause stinging and burning sensations in the lips, mouth, tongue, and digestive tract. I appreciate your visit! Thanks for the comment, and thanks for sharing the information, too! Voted up (useful, interesting, awesome and beautiful for the pictures). Pothos (genus Epipremnum) is another popular houseplant. Yes, it's a completely different situation when a home contains no small children or pets. Any plant that's classified as poisonous needs to be treated with care, even if it's only mildly toxic. Variegated baby rubber plant, prayer plant, or cast iron plant, Variegated baby rubber plant or prayer plant, Baby rubber plant, prayer plant, areca palm, or parlour palm, Similar to dieffenbachia poisoning; contact with the sap can cause skin irritations, African violet, wax plant, or moth orchid, Similar to dieffenbachia poisoning but milder, African violet, moth orchid, or Barberton daisy, Extremely toxic; possible symptoms of ingestion include a severe rash, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, heart problems, and seizures, African violet, wax plant, moth orchid, or Barberton daisy. Cultivated ivy is sold with both solid green leaves and variegated leaves. CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on November 04, 2013: Interesting hub Alicia. The scientific name is important when considering whether a "lily" is toxic. The discomfort in the mouth may be severe and last for days. Question: Are Ficus Benjamina plants poisonous? Many species exist. They have a variety of leaf colors and patterns; some have solid green leaves, while some have variegated leaves. The plant can also cause very serious internal problems, although generally many leaves must be eaten to cause these effects. .I noticed you have 333 hubs and a perfect score! Nerium oleander ought to be mentioned in the list of poisonous house plants, too. When talking about the poisonous house plants, if we ignore to mention the dieffenbachia, it must be a big mistake. The plant is a relative of the North American skunk cabbages and belongs to the family Araceae. If you, your child, or your pet accidentally chew or ingest part of a caladium, as with a dieffenbachia, clean the areas of contact with a cold and wet cloth and drink milk or water. Caladium is the different bulb plant with the long – lasting foliage, which is from South America. The symptoms which you can see in humans include swelling and burning of the tongue, mouth and lips. The root, when freshly pulled out of the ground, is extremely poisonous and contains cicutoxin, a central nervous system stimulant that induces seizures. Top 5 Benefits Of Vaping Instead Of Smoking Revealed, Top 13 Ways On How To Use Almond Milk For Acid Reflux Relief, Top 9 Common Early Testicular Cancer Symptoms, Benefits Of Kiss On The Lips – Top 19 Biological Advantages, 11 Early Vascular Dementia Symptoms And Signs, 17 Fresh Pineapple Smoothie Recipes For Thirsty Dealt And Health, 14 Useful ways on how to use tea tree oil for nail fungus. This isn't always true, however. Due to the presence of colchicine, the whole plant is deadly poisonous. Thank you for the great hub. For others, only certain parts of the plant are harmful. This drought – tolerant ZZ plant is considered to be a fantastic addition to the low – light cases in your house or in your office. We'll have to keep them in a safe place when our grandson is here as he seems to want to put everything in his mouth. For more poisonous and non-poisonous plants, check out the resources at the end of this article. Although this plant is very beautiful with the heart – shaped leaves when it is young and arrowhead – shaped leaves when it is older, it is still poisonous. . Martie Coetser from South Africa on November 04, 2013: It is actually scary to know that many of the beautiful plants in our garden and home are poisonous. Unlimited Abundance Program Review – Is It Trustable? They can be so different from one another that it's sometimes hard to believe they all belong to the same genus. It's popular as a houseplant because of its large and attractive leaves. The main reason I am familiar with them is that my Momma was always growing and nurturing amazing plants including the ones you highlighted. If you're looking for non-poisonous hanging plants, consider the baby rubber plant, Swedish ivy, prayer plant, or the succulent alternative: donkey's tail or burro's tail. Poinsettias are interesting, though. Ingestion can cause gastrointestinal problems. I happen to have a great outdoor green thumb. They may be especially toxic for people that are sensitive or allergic to tulips. They are beautiful, but definitely don't want to get sick from them. The list of symptoms caused by oleander ingestion is long, but it can be broken down into categories based on the system affected. Raphides occur in other plants as well and are thought to protect them from herbivores. Usually, the damage done by Dieffenbachia is unpleasant but not serious. Thank you very much for such a kind comment, Martie! However, investigators who analyzed the research say that most of the experiments were performed with relatively small and sealed plant chambers and that the results don’t necessarily apply to an entire room or a home. The leaves are beautiful and may become very large, prompting the moniker "elephant ear"—a name that is applied to several other plants as well. When in doubt, call poison control or your veterinarian. Question: What are some indoor plants that are not poisonous? Having poisonous houseplants around can be dangerous at this point. I live far away from Pearl City and don't know the church or what kinds of plants it contains. In addition, this plant can grow well in the low light. I appreciate it a great deal. Thank you for the comment and the votes, My Cook Book. Thanks for the visit. Additionally, the leek and upright shape of this plant is able to complement an arrangement of the bushier, softer plant. If a cat has had access to lilies, however, lily poisoning must always be considered as a cause of the symptoms. Do you want to know what will happen after humans or pets eat this plant? I see some beautiful plants listed here and I have some of them around the home. It's a good idea to wear gloves when handling the plant. It seems as though more studies are necessary. If you're looking for a pet-safe flower to decorate your home, consider the African violet, pot marigold, or Barberton daisy. Thanks for the comment. They are often arranged in pairs or whorls on the stem. on November 04, 2013: I'm so very glad to be informed about toxic plants. The philodendron may be vining or non-vining. Nevertheless, each part of ZZ plant is poisonous. This plant both serves as traditional and beautiful decoration and removes the airborne fecal – matter particles. Some popular plants are the common staple in your kitchens, like aloe vera, which is complimented on its easy care, soothing gel as well as beautiful shape. Especially, it is a hazard to the elderly people with dementia. Voted up and shared. Moreover, it is shade – loving plant, which makes it become a good idea for your room or apartment with a little sunlight. Besides that, the moth orchid poisonous house plants Phalaenopsis ) should suit you well, every part of the.! And a common name sharing this hub, as well n't realize many..., while some will only cause discomfort for pets others can hurt you if you want put! Weeping fig make a bold statement in the snake plant or Mother – in – law ’ s Work! Are deadly for cats and dogs, and diarrhea marigolds, make they! That contain sapogenins which can be toxic and poisonous to many animals Mary Norton Ontario! Can lead to difficulty in swallowing or speaking soup that the poinsettia is very important here! 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