We must We have been complicit in constructing the infallibility of the despots who want to crush us. They can be ‘phased out‘ ( sterilisation) or culled. American. Viruses are not alive John they cannot mutate by themselves unless something mutates them. The plot in broad strokes was that a frightening flu pandemic — the Russian flu — is let loose on the world resulting in widespread panic. VERY TELLING in regards to eugenics, etc. Regardless, they won’t be forcing anyone to have a vaccine; their companies will. The bass extension on the Utopia, while impressive is not as linear as the HiFiMAN Susvara. What I was originally trying to do was get the subscription re-routed to my new email address. The inventiveness of European origin So a few coins in our jar to help us keep going are always appreciated. If any? And thereupon concluded there’s nothing to Astrology and its much touted Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Davis M. 21/04/2018. So while I used to take comfort in the belief that even though our rulers are insidious and destructive, the bureaucracy is at least ineffective and most of it’s actors are incompetent. The Great Reset seems to be run out of Klaus Schwab’s Fuhrer Bunker at the WEF and we can be certain that the globalist billionaire class, aka the ruling class Americans, Europeans and that gang of suckhole countries, the rest of The Five Eyes, are all on board. There is no easy escape from the cull. For instance, preaching about peace while sanctioning war; preaching about liberty while sancti0ning measures to curb individual freedoms; to preach about democracy while ruling like a dictator. Although it’s interesting to speculate, I don’t think it’s vitally important to know the intention of a drama that, sans the action movie veneer, is playing out in real time as we speak. The deceiver does not know it deceives because it IS the conviction by which the false is set as true, by which all truth is cast out in fragmented distortions that are not allowed to come Home while a stranger or ‘step-parent’ usurps the nature of a true inheritance. What I am against is the systematic plundering of our naivety. Why? It is very interesting, and connects some more dots…. )—-is it a coincidence that these most marginalized of US groups are ‘not buying it?’. Really, really am. I see no conspiracy here. instinct separation. In fact, it seems it will be quite a few months before they even begin rolling out vaccinations to those under 50! You don't want my spam. Once a person gets past the fancy leather and special effects, what was the message contained in the Matrix? Hmmm… interesting! But nothing is more powerful than the oppressive presence of invisible demons floating through the air everready to crawl up your nose and kill you deader than a hammer. There are plenty of “immature” markets to exploit. Viruses do not exist. Thanks! For just £25 enjoy a tasting trio and learn from a Laithwaite's wine expert! NWO = UN. So unsubscribe. Utopia 2013 (Kudos; Channel 4) — Created by Denis Kelly; Produced by Rebekah Wray-Rogers By Patrick Corbett | OffGuardian | December 21, 2020 We’ve been told by the promoters of the pandemic, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others that it’s ushering in an opportunity for a Great Reset and that Covid 19 is the doorway to it. This new retelling of the story is a decidedly mixed bag, dropping a lot of the original’s style and menace and making safer, more middle-of-the-road choices throughout. Sierra Club. Big explosions add to the effect. This is probably their plan. Gillian Flynn’s adaptation of the cult Channel 4 drama has some interesting new ideas but is lacking the style of its predecessor, says Huw Fullerton. What a let down. An overlooked truth is that all technology, from spears on up, exists only to maintain population. What if a phished mind runs of as a mistaken identity? Unless, of course, their vision doesn’t get fucked up and start developing in some other direction. Others were bought. Have you considered presenting her material in a big way or inviting her to post here? With John Cusack, Ashleigh LaThrop, Dan Byrd, Desmin Borges. As always, Jura, spot on and informative. He is not a ranter like Hitler or even Klaus Schwab, he’s more like, well … Bill Gates. Think spare parts for a transformer or a hydroelectric dam. Whether it’s via vaccine or any other means, so what if the human race stops procreating!….It is totally SELFISH to put new lives on this planet knowing that the planet is dying….The newcomers will experience a slow horrible death. – Trying to thwart foreign counter-measures against imperialism. IMO, while these things should by no means be ignored, they must always be seen within the context of the overarching (Agenda 21/2030–NWO) goals that they are helping to fulfill (which Alison unravels so meticulously). As front men, Schwab and Bill Gates go to work each day for some very powerful people whose lineage goes back more than a century. August 18, 2020 Parrot News Editorial, News 0. Generally speaking the action is slow and almost baggy, with events from the first episode of the original series not occurring until around halfway through the second of this reboot, and the sharp directorial choices and bright colours from Kelly’s version replaced by more bland visual storytelling. I wonder what percentage of the population think the way we do on offG? So, the rest can go. The claim is that the scientific miracles are repeatable and dependable. We accept it. So will this new version be the continuation of Utopia that fans have hoped for? I had a sickening feeling last year when Trump sent his little ‘space army’ up there at the cost of yet more billions in the name of ‘the space programme’ ( lol @ that line). I don’t know. I don’t know for sure but it’s my primary suspicion. Russia, China, Iran. Destruction of the extremely complex supply chain for products is always just around the corner. I insist that women should be allowed to be female and men should be allowed to be male. They pretend to believe in -or fear- a God, only if it serves to conceal a darker intention that they will profit from further down the line. He planted loyalists into Roche and AZ and was high up in the AZ advisory hierarchy for many years. things that have been done to us. Last time Jupiter and Saturn were this tight, But even with the hyperbole above SLATE isn’t finished, they have to bring President Trump in via the back door, ie. It’s envisaged to be under different control ie UN and backers … er who’s that ? The control of propaganda is one thing, and the control of official history is another. Intelligence of the human kind? It cannot be I say “somewhat artificial construct” because the social is necessarily affixed to the biological to produce beings acceptable to societal norms. Identifying the cast of our life within us cannot be undertaken by the character set by the casting. Are they planning on using their mandatory vaccines they’ve hyped so relentlessly to vaccinate virtually the entire world’s population? Us people fuck everything up. There’s no greed, ill-will, selfishness or anger. The master manipulaters have been at this game for a very very long time. Mothers transferring hepatitis to their infant children is exceedingly rare. But all roads seem to lead back to the the flaws in man’s character and his susceptibility to the lure of ego satisfaction and power. He even manages to get a new coat and cool sunglasses… Everyone else remains pretty much screwed. In contrast, the ‘anarchists’ and other professorial classes (the most educated) have proven to be what I always suspected they were. Such power feeds upon itself and as the adage tells us- much wants more. Mostly because I had concluded years before that nearly all theater and film productions had been designed as programming tools. that critical judgement is stigmatised as a “deficiency”. Yes, I just discovered that. When they have found their niche with us, they should be allowed to stay! The divide between the Intelligence that is managing Humanity and Humanity itself is truly as wide as the divide between Humanity and cattle. Ditto people who make the vaccine. What on earth kind of fact checking are the editors doing here? The Nazi propaganda machine rehearsed this during WW2. They only see profit as a goal worth pursuing. Could it just be pure evil? Cited as one of the best dramas Channel 4 had ever made but not attracting many viewers, the series was cut down at the end of its second series in what many considered a grave injustice – but now the idea is getting a second chance with a US remake from Gone Girl author Gillian Flynn, transporting the action to Chicago but keeping (more or less) the same twisted story. When I previously thought of this idea, the image that came to mind was of an horrific blood spattered massacre not unlike a scene from The Walking Dead. Utopia 2020 (Endemol Shine North America, Kudos, Trallume Productions, Picrow, Amazon Studios; Prime Video) Created by Gillian Flynn; Produced by Huey M. Park, The novel was apparently the work of a somewhat unhinged genius who saw the world as far too populous and wanted to do something about it. Patrick, there is ample evidence in Cremo and Thompon’s book “Forbidden Archeology” that humans have lived on earth from tens to hundreds of millions of years. Complaints will be filed… whether it’s too late to make a difference or not. And what if…. Such a move would ignite a race war, and they wouldn’t have to worry so much about “reducing the population” through sterilization. Almost seems to be fast approaching that point. Also the military/economic power of the west ie US isn’t going to be dispersed. None of it is viruses. How the hell do we fight this? And they would need a cohort of people to serve them, both in high level positions and low. And the billionaire owner of a pharmaceutical company (played by John Cusak) has a vaccine which offers a cure. There will be a huge reduction in the need for workers. Like the film roll over the light of the projector. Wars need suffering otherwise they would not lead to peace. They, along with the Royals, seem to be extremely fertile as well as long lived. And will the vaccine be programmed to sterilize 60% or more of the women in the world? And the only biowarfare the cryptocracy possess besides poisoning our food, water, soil and air is the vaccines and iatrogenic murder. But the larger slice of the population grazed in the battlefield between us. You can’t come in here & shop. ), https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/21/neoliberal-death-knell-for-indian-agriculture/. The plandemic is a cover for several of their goals. Only mass resistance and a preparedness to sacrifice oneself in the fight for freedom will give us a half chance. – Depopulating through destitution, restricting essentials including medical treatment, bio-warfare. In Orwell’s nightmare scenario Dystopia is ”the boot stamping on your face forever’‘. In 2014 HBO planned an American version of Utopia but dropped it over budget concerns. It’s been fashionable to refer to us Humans as a “virus,” a “plague,” or a “cancer” for as long as I can remember. But we have to consider a few things here. Superficiality, short-term profit, utter narcissism and over-acting now rule the media and thereby influence what have become the highly-gullible general public. Here’s a worrisome quote from an August 1994 article in the FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Journal, (“highly cited and consistently ranks among the top biology journals”): The authors conclude that their “findings provide insights to possible endocrinological effects of an hCG 3CTP-based WHO promoted birth control vaccine on which a phase I clinical trial has already been completed” and that “might not reliably fulfil major expectations with respect to safety and efficacy?’ We submit that the authors provided only a repetition of old information and biased speculation, which could be damaging to progress in this field. Do real people get hurt? People in the medical sciences haven’t exactly shown themselves to be models of courage. Spoken like a true member of the Thoroughly-Brainwashed People-Hating Cult which TFIC have been cultivating for decades. Great!!! Utopia Temple Forums > General Discussions > Polls Heaven: Land Dropping User Name: Remember Me? Her scholarly mapping of the Evil Apparatus is unparalleled. “The newcomers will experience a slow horrible death.”. You can unsubscribe at any time. The elite used Darwin’s ‘natural selection’ as the foundation to build the NWO without a God and without faith, hope and charity. By the way , I know he gets a mention now and then but Rob Slane at theblogmire has some very good assessments for the nature of the shifting “narratives” and the difficulty we have in countering it. Only now are people realising the importance of the warnings within it’s covers . The Dystopian is driven by power, money and nihilism. Utopia review: Amazon’s remake of the UK series is not a patch on the original. When the new Utopia excels, it’s because Flynn departs from Kelly’s original story to add her own twists and extensions – when it disappoints, it’s because it’s just re-doing something that’s been done better before. They are psychopaths. All roads here lead back the aforementioned flaws in man’s character. Well… probably not. The reviews of the film claim it’s nothing special, yet the film’s been pushed on YouTube for weeks and weeks. My comment is intended for a younger generation than mine. Besides that, it might just be inert. Or – I wonder if it is more to do with the economic backdrop another poster mentions – and this is simply about embedding control through nanotechnology within the next 5 years before the dollar collapses. Have a surf around Essiac, or Rick Simpson’s ‘Run From The Cure’ video, for just a couple of the wide collection of much-denigrated – but actually rather promising – ‘fringe medicines’ for cancer. far to recognize and appreciate our own origins. Cool to do 42: 35.00%: Against the spirit 78: 65.00%: Who voted? Not even clothes? The Utopia has excellent frequency extension with sub-bass notes driving deep, and highs well extended. I left this comment twice, both times in reply to another duplicated comment (beginning with “This is far-fetched”). It was first shown on Channel 4 in the UK. This is a computer generated plague, with many simultaneously overlapping goals held by a very few. What does the Deep State do in its off-time? us. United Way. Just like World Wildlife Fund – megabucks in donations, fake wildlife projects and emotional blackmail. Fertility is 1.69 per woman. No machines are anywhere near capable of the required human inputs at this point in time. “The New Mutants”The New Mutants (film) – Wikipedia. Railroad magnet Jay Gould famously said, “I can hire half the working class to kill the other half.”. Do nothing and we die in any event. You take the Moderna shot, and its proprietary protein will be expressed by your cells ad infinitum. The Focal Utopia yields jaw-dropping sound, and I am so glad that I purchased them! We are all about to fall to the evil of psychopaths because too many of our number are idiots. The MAIN objective is a readable tag to brand somebody as goyim, so that they can be reliably distinguished from the chosen. Of course, that’s because I didn’t realize that I had to select ‘new replies to my comments’. This is a very good point, which has now also been noticed! The huge global cash-flood of the ‘curing cancer’ bandwaggon – which never seems to get far with finding cures, beyond the Western-orthodox, hugely profitable cut-burn-poison syndrome – is far too productive of the psychopathically-desired WealthPowerStatus drug to which the gangsters-in-charge are so addicted. I want to go to England and experience English culture. VLF. Scenarios are proposed which anticipate some form of UBI for the unfortunate masses. * Coronavirus vaccines show promise, but may not produce sterilizing immunity. Francesco Ghia, Introduzione a "Utopia" di Thomas More, traduzione di Maria Lia Guardini, Il Margine, Trento, 2015, ISBN 978-88-6089-170-9 Never mind, Naz, it's alright. “Apparent death”. facts short with ‘it’s just the new world order’ or ‘it’s depopulation’. I would wager from their point of view far too many people already saw it. I didn’t even know they were up there. The coincidence is very crazy. Or will we be left with some autonomous existence and no essential services? ... We ask that when picking up or dropping off students please only use the circle drive if you intend to stay in your vehicle and immediately leave. Want something else to watch? Removed from the new Eden like weeds. The lockdown demic has been enormously successful and even if debunked could be unleashed again within a year – with a few tweaks – and the dumb herd would fall for it all again. And the men with the money, power and influence are the chosen ones. “We’re now in a different world than we were then. So much for freedom of speech and political liberty. It allows people like you to say “See? Well H G Wells certainly proved the naivety of the human race with that broadcast Or are we all to be eliminated and only the “advanced” nation states allowed to survive? Same for Save the Children, etc. My personal favorite. It’s interesting that they have this plan to make everyone infertile, yet they’re giving vaccinations to older people first. Utopia remake on Amazon Prime Video gets release date and trailer, Amazon Prime Video release dates 2020: major upcoming shows revealed, The best TV shows to watch on Amazon Prime Video UK. The ills will be wiped away and the masses will accept the new paradigm. The argumentation is correct. And I predict this will be the last Christmas or other holiday we’re permitted to celebrate at all. Utopia, Coming to a World Near You. Utopia achieved without conflict. The streamer is also dropping the entire first season of Utopia. Or starved to death? I am surprised the UK version has not been pulled down. The witchdoctors have been having their way with the general public ever since. They have never had much use for us. An authoritative voice on the radio was all it took…. And no oppression or threats of violence. They already have all they need to completely dominate this world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_City_of_the_Sun. That’s a lot of people to have under control …, In the US, Big Pharma has convinced the vast majority of pediatricians and they have either convinced or did not provide informed consent to the vast majority of parents that infants should get a hepatitis vaccine. That is precisely why we should fight to preserve different ways of life. She’s lucid, relatable, bs-free and her presentations are dense with very precise information. Come and take my tractor from my cold dead hands you bold new techno-overlords! The horrors of the Matrix still exist at the end of the film, yet the alleged hero has survived. Thanks! Plenty to go around for everybody and they’ll be free to screw up as much as they want without destroying the planet.”. We keep the walls of Dystopia strong by cementing the bricks with our own compliance. The vast majority of viewers will probably have never watched the UK original, have no clue as to the fates of its characters, or how the whole thing fits in to Deel’s syndrome. I even think a Kenyan could become a Frisian. It doesn’t really make much sense. * Sterilizing immunity could be achieved if neutralizing antibodies bind to a pathogen and prevent it from entering a cell to replicate in. How many people are needed to service that luxury? On the sword it says “Be prepared”. Take Mexico as an example – they can’t even provide drinking water, over 50% don’t have bank accounts. I’ve been posting excerpts from Yeadon & Wodarg everywhere, but people just can’t believe it & it often doesn’t even appear. And maybe that’s what they want the people who are wise to the Covid deception to be thinking as the worst case scenario. I love foreign movies for just that feeling of “otherness”. They’ll only resist if their favourite ‘celeb’ resists first. Utopia is the upcoming fourth studio album by American rapper Travis Scott.The album title was confirmed by Travis Scott, through his social media accounts on October 5, 2020. Talk about cold. Both versions of Utopia are available on Amazon Prime and in light of current events are very much worth watching. Some might also be reluctant to inject this shite into their patients. Just not on my main TV. Any plans to feature the work of Alison Hawver McDowell? I see a [MSOS][Utopia]: show up as a device on my Google Wifi network, which has downloaded 67 Gb in the last 7 days. b. Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg both warn that the Pfizer vaccine will likely impair our ability to procreate. Here’s another new programming tool. When I was young there was sex, drugs and rock and roll. Wasn’t it Schopenhauer who said something like :-. Interface may need updating. Von Braun dropped the ball on that and let it out the bag and laughed. Watch Dr Tom Cowan’s videos. that also manages garbage disposal may take over the task. Coronavirus, like “AIDS”, has never been isolated and identified, and the alleged unique genetic markers they claim it has are found in 99 human chromosomes, and over a hundred other microbes. They are all tightly under the control of the bankers. The sterilization plan takes some time for people to catch on. Of course they wouldn’t include their own billionaire class. Stuck In Utopia. They have to go. SLATE: said: the results [of broadcasting Utopia] are catastrophic —. I travel widely across a fairly representative area of the US. Lack of ideas, lack of creativity. The reviews of the film claim it’s nothing special, yet the film’s been pushed on YouTube for weeks and weeks. His musing bespeaks a horrific fantasy of elimination. They won’t have that, it’s all being suppressed. The article is defending the WHO against claims of some researchers about the safety of their birth control vaccine 26 years ago. Ursula von der Lying does not have our best interests at heart. They can be used to kill or cure. – Preparing to crush mass unrest They’re controlled opposition. I found that the subscribe feature at the top of the page was notifying me of every comment on the thread even when I hit the ‘new replies to my comments’ menu choice. Not imperialism. They also have an innate sense of the inherent evil that drives those who profit by exploiting their power at the cost of anyone and any consequences. Apparently this man-made virus can mutate. Only John Cusack doesn’t quite reach the level of creepy that Gates is able to convey. The masters believe that by playing both roles of good and evil they will cajole us into action and that will lead us to a better place. We, the working class, were at best only to be tolerated for what use we could be to them. I’m all ears, John. I believe that the recent stunts like the nurse fainting and the CDC figures stating 3k our of 118k who got the Pfizer Vaccine are created to enrage the anti Vax brigade and to conjure the lively debate as the outrage will only reaffirm the majority who are drinking the covid kool aid that the vaccine is the best bet. Not sure why. Yes, that list is about right. They can also conjure an uprising of the righteous so as to give them a false sense of victory and then stab them in the back now that they have revealed themsleves. It was well known that John Bell was a CIA plant in the UK – he was recruited during his time at Stanford and got promoted inordinately rapidly on a timeframe only compatible with being ‘in the club’. However, that doesn’t mean that sterilization is NOT a subordinate objective. Well if they were, in fact, up to that caper, Bob, that’s exactly how they’d do it. They have been studied for some time for their efficacy towards that goal. Us? Humans are still needed for most tasks. And conversely wouldn’t the prospect of depopulation of their people just seem like an attempt to dupe them? PS: Under no circumstances contaminate your mind in this search with any of the mind-sewage flowing from the Wikideceivia cess-pit; not on this subject, but if you’re wise not on any subject at all, even ‘non-contentious’ ones, as so many Wikidedeivia addicts routinely bleat. The elite has always been the scientific elite. Such rank hypocrisy.”, “The sooner the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS go, the better off WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) will be.”, Must watch: Klaus Schwab (Rockefeller-Rothschild) agenda in plain view. A wonderful world class set of headphones. Thanks Lozzer. It becomes easy to sabotage. Get your gears turning with hundreds of puzzles, with new ones added each week - and enjoy a seven day free trial! The problem arises when “forced” is equated with “allowed.” “Allowing” women to be female and men to be male is one thing; “forcing” this somewhat artificial construct on everyone is quite another thing. Richard Grove of Tragedy & Hope traces the Great Reset from its roots in technocracy and Fabianism. The Terminator that will not stop until you are dead? The primary objective, as best I can gather, is to tag (brand) each and every head of human cattle with an irreversible marker. Also all of the symptoms of the disease they’re claiming, again just like AIDS, are explainable by other causes. All in the name of “equality”. I personally feel attracted by the otherness of foreign cultures. It’s extremely well made. Then it was a dogfight among the poor to survive. I haven’t been to a movie theater since the release of the first “Matrix” film. We won’t read about it in a newspaper, how they resist, or don’t believe. 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