It is often characterized by inaction. The Passive communication They have people who are often unable to express their thoughts or points of view for fear of confrontation by others. Passive-aggressive communication can be frustrating for the listener, leaving them unsure of what was meant by the person and how they should respond, says psychotherapist Cyndi Sarnoff-Ross. People who develop a pattern of passive -aggressive Passive-Aggressive Communicators. People converse in one or a combination of three main types of communication: passive, aggressive, or assertive. As the above example illustrates, resolving differences is tough when words and actions are not in alignment. For example, showing up late to a meeting may be considered passive … Most passive-aggressive communicators will mutter to themselves rather than confront a person or issue. Passive-aggressive men prefer the deep sigh and shake of the head, while walking away. Passive-aggressive behavior exists around the world and at every socio-economic level. There are a million different ways people can communicate in a passive-aggressive way when it comes to the workplace. In communication, passive-aggressive is only one form of speaking on a continuum. Passive-aggressive communication style users appear passive on the surface, but within he or she may feel powerless or stuck, building up a resentment that leads to seething or acting out in subtle, indirect or secret ways. Usually, they are not considered fit to provide judgments or opinions. Passive-aggressive communication involves indirectly making a point without actually openly addressing the issue head-on with the individual concerned. PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals appear passive on the surface but are really acting out anger in a subtle, indirect, or behind -the-scenes way. Passive aggression is a form of passive hostility that avoids direct action or communication. Passive-Aggressive. Passive communication : This is a form of communication in which the person does not share his or her wants, needs, desires, or opinions. The passive-aggressive often feels more isolated personally and professionally due to the unwillingness or inability to engage in effective communication. Passive-aggressive behavior typically … You can recognize passive-aggressive communication with the following behaviors: Frequent sarcasm; Words don’t align with actions; Facial expressions don’t match words It is a deliberate and masked way of expressing covert feelings of anger. Passive-aggressive communication seems passive on the surface but reveals a hidden resentment that comes through in subtle, indirect ways. It is a very inefficient and maladaptive way of communicating, since the person can not identify or satisfy his own needs. Passive-aggressive women favor the silent treatment as an expression of their contempt.